Apr 04, 2008 12:41
Tommy taught me to dance. I can now Foxtrot, Salsa, and New York Hustle. Not well, but I know the steps. It makes me happy.
I started writing a television show based around my friendship with Tommy and all of our friends....Tifa, Theresa, Dom...... I think it's really good. I hope it's really good. Tommy, who memorizes lines faster than anyone I've ever met, already runs through the lines like he's rehearsing it.
Can we go to LA now? I want to just sit by an open window in the beautiful warmth with a computer writing. I like saying that I'm a writer. I'm a writer. I'm a writer. I'm a writer. I'm a writer. I'm a writer. Because I am. And I'm good at it.
I'm not making enough money. Not at all. That needs to be fixed.
Tommy and I now have a marvelous routine where we sleep on the couch together and I scratch his head. He used to have to ask me to scratch his head, or I'd offer. But since Dom's been spending the night a lot, he just lays on me and I start the head scratching. It's comforting. I talked to Carina about how I can find that so blissful when I have no romantic or sexual feelings towards Tommy, and she suggested mere companionship, which can be better than a romantic partner and that I should feel fortunate I have it. And I do. However, last night, I left Tommy and Dom on the couches and slept in Tommy's bed. Holy comfortable batman. I don't know when the last time I slept on a real mattress was. Absolutely splendid.