
Sep 07, 2007 11:58

So i am pretty much in love with my english teacher. I dont know how I landed this class with him, but it gives me the best reason to be to school at 8 in the morning 3 days a week. My homework last class was to listen to reggae music and my homework from this class is to write any word on a piece of paper and put it on a tree. Then we have to stand about 10 feet away from the tree and look at the word for a couple of minutes and write whatever our thoughts are on a piece of paper. i absolutely love teachers like this, i feel like i can learn so much more from them..not to mention he kind of resembles Tim from Rise Against :) haha

I cannot wait to go to Salem with kass in october..its going to be great. Then were going back in nov. to look at the college out there. She wants me to go to a school in Boston so we can be only an hour apart from eachother.  I'll look around..NYC is where I want to be but I dont know if I could ever be that far apart from Kassi, I would NOT know what to do with myself.

So this whole world is going to end on dec. 22, 2012 thing really freaks me out. Im not going to lie. Damn Mayans..damn you.

I also think my anxiety might be kicking into gear again and its not a fun thing. So much on my mind. I need to relax. I need to focus on myself. I care so much about people that sometimes it gets the best of me. When someone is angry/upset with me I get all emotional and pissed off and everything else. I need to be able to accept the fact and move on. Its a problem Ive always had. I just want to see everyone I care about to be happy and if its something that i do to make them mad then that sucks and i can never come to terms with it.

Im happy Im in school but I cannot and I repeat CANNOT deal with this financial aid business anymore. I dont understand any of it. My mom doesnt make that much money a year, doesnt recieve child support from my dad and is putting 2 kids through full time school yet I get no financial aid?????!??!?!?!? I hate dealing with it..i hate being broke. I hardly work..I work friday, sat, sunday so i have no money ever. Shes clueless when it comes to filling out the fafsa and TAP and all of that stuff and it confuses me and the financial aid people at school are no help. 
Sometimes i wish that my parents had money so i could go to school and not have to worry about paying for anything.
I've already spent $400 on books for 3 classes and I still have to get art supplies for color and concept and more books and computer stuff for my CIS class. How am I suppose to pay for this??? can someone tell me? I got so frusturated yesterday that I ended up crying and having the biggest headache in the world.
Ugh..its times like these that make me wish I never quit Zumiez.
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