People still use this thing?

Aug 29, 2007 22:38

Dear Livejournal,

It's been a long time. How have you been? I'm good, thank you for asking. I really wish you could help me remember my old username and password. I would of loved to look back to see what I wrote 3-6 years ago.

Megan M. Catalano

Something that is really bothering me at the moment:

Creepy old men..middle aged men..boys in their 20's..married men...

Sunday at work a man in his 40's sat at the counter. He is a regular and comes in every weekend mostly with his wife and 2 kids but sometimes he'll come in alone.  He was in my section so I went up to him and said "Hey are you eating today or just drinking coffee?" and he said...
"Yeah, Im going to eat..want me to get on my hands and knees and make you hollar and scream?"

This is just an example of what happens every time i work there. You may be joking, but I dont find anything funny about it. Infact, it just makes me lose all respect for men and I just think they're pigs. You're married with 2 children!

This brings me to boys in their 20's or boys in general.
No. I will not have sex with you. No. Your lame ass pick up lines arent working on me and infact I just think your really annoying and you prob. should just stop talking to me. Dont ask me to hang out with me if thats all you want from me. IT WILL NOT HAPPEN. Whatever happened to hanging out? Talking? Laughing? Having fun? GET TO KNOW ME. THE REAL ME. Don't you think about anything else other than sex? If not, find something to think about. Get a hobby. Read a book. Get interested in something. Make goals for yourself. Be passionate about the things you do. Then maybe...just maybe you could even get a word out of my mouth to you.

I think Im becoming a feminist, and im really not joking around. 
Fuck you if your a man and think you can tell me what I can and can not do with my body(abortions) will never be able to even come close to relating to a woman when it comes to that. Fuck you if you think that there could never be a strong enough woman to run this country...or fight for this country. Fuck you if you need to lower yourself to raping someone. Cool, Im glad that your bigger, stronger and obviously tougher and need to beat on a girl to have sex with you..because you cant get any otherwise. Fuck you if you ever think I would ever let a man tell me that I couldnt get to where I wanted to be in life because Im a girl..

I think another huge reason as to why Im like this is because of my dad. He is the same way as these men I talk about. I have no respect for my dad. In fact, now that Im older and I can look back I'm pretty sure the only times I will ever talk to him is when Im completely broke and need to borrow some money and besides for that I could really care less what he is doing. He wont even hear from me on my wedding day.

haha Im glad I got that out..
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