(no subject)

Nov 07, 2005 23:48

So...someone deleted my whole buddy list. Cool. I realized that everyone knows my password to everything so I'm changing all of them. Thanks asshole.
Thats just so annoying. I cant remember anyones screennames. Oh well.

I had an amazing night tonight. I went to Zumiez to visit Zach, then drove to Mallory's to visit her. I ran inside and jumped in her bed and woke her up. Stayed for a little while then I went and met up with Jolee at Denny's. We ended up staying there for like 3 hours. It was awesome. I needed that girly time. We talked forever. Then Cass$$ met up with us and we went to Walmart..sang Saves the Day at the top of our lungs :)..I miss nights like these..driving around with my friends and singing songs at the top of our lungs. Tried getting ahold of Josh to hang out after but he wasnt home. He NEEDS to get a cell phone.

I'm happy right now. I've been pretty happy. These past couple of days have been awesome for some reason.

So..I took down all my pictures in my room because looking at them can get depressing. Buttt I made an amazinggg scrapbook. I have a ton of pictures and notes and letters that people have written to me. And lyrics..and just random things that I have collected over the years. Tons of memories. There is a section from Chicago and Rise Against. And a section of me when I was little. Andddd a section of Armando..and Kyle..And Josh (peters). andddd a huge section of kass gen kels and crit..takes up most of it. Andd a section of me and tony and me and all my friends..and senior ball and cheerleading. Annddd a section for Kaitlin. But I have so much stuff that I need to make a whole new one.

I should probably go to sleep. I have a headache from all the coffee I've had tonight and I have to work tomarrow.


*am I dreaming? is this really me?
because I've never felt so not lonely
and if this could be real right now
then everyday for the rest of my life I will search for moments full of you
but let's hope tomorrow won't cave in 'cause I'm looking
for someone to change me
and you make me feel so tall- I always want to be this tall
'cause maybe I'll be original
and sometimes things you say just make me think in different ways
so this is my way of saying
I could be the one who's dragged home at night away
from all my hopeless dreams-
you and me will forge some future because we don't want to be waiting
for something right to go wrong .
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