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Jun 02, 2005 13:03

that is all my exaaaams finished yaaaaaaaaaaaaas!!

last weeek just studied for chem n art really...wednesday me n Gabrielle had a wee chemistry day but really just sat about eating sweets..maooooam...
saturday was off work cos the vet fucked off the chelsea flower show ahahah wee soul...so went to visit my granda and watched shark programmes on animal planet with him while eating toffees twas great...saturday night was ma wee aunties b'day party..as ma nana said "a gooood time was had by all"...so funny when shes pished...well all my family are funny when theyre pished really lol
sunday n monday just studied then tuesday went in for last two exams...chemistry was hard but could have been worse i think...art was quite easy apart from one question..
sarah n gabrielle met me after the exam n we went up to gabrielles bit...had a good laugh then went to meet mcknight at the chinese....had a laugh in there too with all the shitty music and stains on the dishes aahahahha...

yesterday n today have just fucked about n done hoosework for my mum...joy!

how good is big brother this year?? all they do is fight its amazing!
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