Dec 23, 2005 01:16
A conversation between me n my homie:
i LOVE LuiS LeOn: im picking out engagement rings!!! ahh!!
MyHomie: wow...thats so scary
i LOVE LuiS LeOn: Louie has directed me to and asked me to look around..
i LOVE LuiS LeOn: i mean, there would be no actual wedding for another two years
i LOVE LuiS LeOn: and probably not an engagement till almost another year
MyHomie: but still, more and more official
i LOVE LuiS LeOn: hes gotta save the scrilla to buy my rock and all... lol
i LOVE LuiS LeOn: yes but how much more official can it get? we've lived together for over a year now
i LOVE LuiS LeOn: my every day is a microcosm of married life and it works and its wonderful
i LOVE LuiS LeOn: i couldnt imagine being with anyone more incredible than luis
MyHomie: well, i guess its not scary if thats what you want
MyHomie: is this how you envisioned life? (eww its hard to say that online without seeming derrogatory, it is NOT anyway meant to sound bad :-) )
i LOVE LuiS LeOn: i envisioned life as me succeeding in whatever career i end up pursuing and coming home to an endlessly loving husband who is proud to be married to me and loves me selflessly. Luis does that every single day. Without fail. EVERY DAY he tells me how lucky he is to be with me and how he loves me more than life itself and is proud of me and everything I do and everything I bring out in him.
i LOVE LuiS LeOn: There is a selflessness and pure love I see in his eyes everytime I look at him. Through everything we've been through it has burned strong, untainted, and I couldn't imagine ending up with anyone else but him.