As the missus enters the later stages of pregnancy, her personality is beginning to be altered by the hormones and discomfort. Nothing too significant at this point, but a healthy reminder that we are not just the sum total of our experiences and knowledge, but also of our perceptions. It is easy for a person to be aware that there is some chance that tomorrow, they will cease to be; it's another thing entirely for them to be consumed by its possibility compared to its likelihood (this isn't B's issue, just an example that makes for an easy thought experiment). In our day to days lives this is probably one of the most important markers of our personality.
On to other issues.
Sturgeon's Law: 95% of everything is crap. A lady was discussing black movies on NPR today, and was complaining that there weren't enough quality ones out there. It then struck me that there just wasn't a lot of black cinema generally, and that was probably the true cause. It would seem that to get a few good movies there has to be enough dreck that through simple chance, a few good movies pop out. Or, perhaps just as likely, there has to be enough entertaining stuff that a few people get their fill of it and go "I want better quality," and a market is created.
Or, to shorten it up: We owe a small debt of gratitude to bad art for the couple of good things out there.