The Nearest Pretty Girl is 20 Miles Away

Oct 02, 2037 16:34

Usually, I take to posting in the morning, when I'm not bogged down in work yet and am still too sleepy from coffee to work, even if I wanted to. This interests me, because I am not, have never been and never will be a "morning person," so I wonder if maybe what I write here in the morning is substantially different from what I would write if I had all day to do nothing and could update at a more godly hour.

I am worried about a conservative supreme court. Just thought I would say that first to begin with. Worried is maybe not strong enough a word. Terrified. NPR entertained some "speculation" that the new block would overturn Roe V. Wade. I think "speculation" is also not strong enough a word. It is all but a promise that they will.

And for anyone who would squirm and say "Well abortion is baby murder" I would ask you think twice about what this would mean. Roe v. Wade is founded on a Constitutional right to privacy which, while not explicitly stated, is implied in every fundamental right and responsibility that the document bestows upon American citizens. The only way the case could be overturned is that the new Supreme Court 2.0 would have to decide that there is, in fact, no such guarantee and Americans have no fundamental right to privacy. And then we're all up shit creek without a paddle. Particularly given the current administration's "liberties" with privacy rights anyways.

The thick and beautiful irony is, of course, that judicial precedent had traditionally been one of the feathers in conservatives' hats, as well as a cornerstone of American law. Which is just one of thousands of indicators that NeoCons have strayed from the fundamental tennets of their beliefs and are now just trying to manipulate stupid people, destroy the opposition and spead their own creepy brand of fundy nationalism.

At any rate, I would advise stocking up on birth control while the getting's good.

My life has been very, very quiet this past week or so. Lots of reading and videogaming. For Christ's sake, if you have a DS, get your hands on a copy of Phoenix Wright. Just postpone whatever misgivings you may have about a Japanese attorney game and play it, and I swear to God it will be one of the most satisfying video game experiences of your life. I don't care if you're the fucking DA and think you would be appalled by the lack of factual basis in actual law the game displays, because it doesn't matter. What matters is the excellent characters, pitch-perfect translation, amazing cases, subtle clues and the satisfaction of rubbing a murderer's lies in his face. It never gets old.

Also, find a copy of Cooking Mama, if you can. Target had one sad, lonely little copy on its shelves. For 20 bux, it's pretty goddamn cool. Basically the game takes you through a series of minigames (chop this onion, stew this meet, stuff the egg roll) to make a dish and then scores you on how well you do it. Most of the dishes are Japanese, or Japanese adaptations of western dishes that are fucking foul and disgusting, like spaghetti bolognese made with ketchup and shrimp. WHAT THE FUCK, JAPAN. Not the most polished game in the world, but plenty of entertainment, for the price.

I am also reading lots of books but I will talk about those later because blah.

So this new guy Anthony went out to cover the county fair. Talked to the prize winning pig kid.

"So, what happens now?"
"Uh, well, Monday they take them out to the slaughterhouse."
"Ohhh... well, what would you say the secret is to raising a prize winning pig?"
*thoughtful pause*
"Well sir, you just gotta love 'em. Love 'em with everything you got."

That's why you should never trust an ag kid as far as you can throw them. They may love you with everything they've got, but when it comes down to it, your ass is sold to the slaughterhouse.

This may be why so many of them grow up to be alcoholics and beat their wives. *gross stereotype rim shot*

I don't know how well my roommate situation is going to last. Allison is cool as ever, but I get the general feeling Nina is growing less and less fond of us, particularly me. Which is awkward, because she is the one I have to work with, of course. Well, we'll see. Sure don't want to go back to P and M's, of course.

I think I would very much like to work for a non-profit, one day. I mean, ultimately I want to teach, but I think first I would like to do something for some suitably leftist commie cause. Something for third world countries or the environment or the arts, where I could put my hard hitting reporter skills to use for a good cause. That would be nice.

I don't know why I'm so messy. In spite of my best efforts, my desk at work is a pile of notes I will never look at twice, and my room seems to sink into a puddle of filth five minutes after I clean it. That's what Freud calls "Anal Expulsive," right?

Adorable. Sex toys that don't look overtly sexual. You can just keep that one on the mantel!

The Amish school slaying is intense, dude.

Aaaaand to work.
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