Aug 15, 2037 19:06
I am officially pissed.
School starts next week, 'round these parts. And while such restrictive calanders have little effect on my person for the time being, it does indicate a changing of natural rythmns that we've been in tune with for generations. It means fall is here. It mean summer is just about over.
Well, fuck that.
I have not once been to the beach, been swimming, or been camping. I have not eaten even one slice of watermelon or lit off a single firecracker. I haven't barbecued anything or even glanced at a beach ball.
You know what I've been doing instead? Writing hard-hitting news.
Oh who the fuck are we kidding. Nine times out of ten it isn't even that hard-hitting. It isn't even soft-hitting. It's pretty much tee-ball.
All summer means when you work the nine to five is that your working conditions become infinitely less pleasant because the A/C keeps breaking and so is doing laundry on the weekends. How fucking sick is that.
Growing up then, I suppose, is the fine art of learning to suppress the fact that that really, really bothers you.
Oh well. I am going to take this opportunity to wish a Happy 40th Birthday to the National Organization for Women, a Happy 25th Birthday to HIV/AIDS, and (hooray!) a Happy 25th Birthday to Donkey Kong and Mario! What a momentous month!