Dragon*Con diaries 6th September

Sep 15, 2009 00:09

Sunday was kind of a mess at the begining. Lourdes and Olga wanted to watch the Smallville panel so they left early in the morning. On the other hand abaut_time, eristi  and yokana_yanovick  wanted to see Kevin Grazier at the BSG science panel at 10am, and finally I wanted to go to Kate Mulgrew's panel that was at 11.30am. Don't think i stayed in bed because mine was the latest in the morning. eristi, abaut_time  and yokana_yanovick  were lol.

So I left them to go to the Shearton Grand Ballroom (where Mary and Michael panel was the first day) and waited in queue for 2 hours almost. The waiting was beneficial because I got a seat in the 2nd row just almost in fron of Kate, who willingly didn't sit down (and I could fill the whole panel :p). The panel was great. Kate was fabulous, really funny.

She told us about her personal experience of being part of Star Trek and how that and the idea's of Roddenberry's future make her be the person she is right now. I wished most people thought about the positive side the Star Trek franchise has brought us. Not talking about scifi about what future technology we could have, but about tolerance for other cultures. She is proud to be the First Girl!! hahaha. And once more, an actor/actress reminds us how grateful they are to fans because, let's face it. Critic can write wonderful things about you or the worst things of all. But if people doesn't like you, if fans doesn't like you.....go frak yourself somewhere else (as chief Tyrol would say). Michael Hogan said it too, Mary McDonnell, EJO...whoever thinks they can have a carreer without the help of fans is really screwed

Pausing and a thought. I've watched too many Battlestar Galactica. I'm begining to talk like them lol. First it was chief's Tyrol line, second Adama's...Oh, boy. I have a problem :p

Going on. She was happy to see there were science women among the audience. Kate asked her which field of science she was an this girl was in Physics and Math, something related to engineering. Too difficult and too long to transcribe lol. Kate asked what are you gonna do with that. The girls answered: "We are going to Mars and I'm taking us there". Woooohoooooo. The girl I can tell you has grown up through Star Trek values for the way she was talking about what makes Star Trek in Tv and science so related

When a woman began to tell her how wonderful she had portraid her character in comparisson to the men who did captains, not afraid of showing her humanity and all I thought Kate was going to cry lol. Really......and after 1-2min she admitted she was crying!! So emotive. I probably after those words would have too hehe. Not afraid to show what makes her feel emotional. Mary was almost there too in one of the questions they asked her. Great women.

Another girl 17 years old she said after Kate asked her (looked like we were everyone young in there hehe) told her she didnt look more than 30. Well, she was not strictly right about that assesment but the point it what differs about that answer and a men. A men would say: "I don't have any idea about age". And, between lines (well, not between because she really said it), she said men are naughty by nature. Anything to say about it?? Well, I agree lol. She admitted that after 7 years she got to know them very well (men.....but don't be naughty thinking....you were!!). Some of the scenes are fun to remember know but were not so funny when she had to film them. Something she said....All men are afraid of women in groups....and All women are afraid of women in groups...She is soooooooo right :p

And again, this time, a man said compliments to Kate. Second time i thought she was gonna cry lol. And I have to agree with this man, because I think Voyager did follow more the spirit of Roddenberry's concept about the future than any of the rest, probably thanks to having a woman in command.

When she was asked about the consideration in some forums they gave Janeway, as bein an unmedicated bipolar syndrome and what she thought about it?? Well, she certainly didnt know anything and didn't mind what they had to say about it. KATE, KATE, KATE!! She asked if women where in that group and the person asking said....yeah. What kind of women are they??

About "touching" her crew?? .........STOP IT. You're again thinking naughty. She said she implemented it because the situation of being lost in space was a way to avoid depression and create a sense of proximity between them. And that some people critized it and others said she didnt do it enough with a certain member of her crew....the maqui!! Chakotay!! Certainly I'm one of the latest lol. The new meaning to....Ready room.....

And the panel ended with Kate promoting to the rank of captain to a memember of Starfleet international. For a moment I thought she was going to perform some king of engage ceremony lol, because he was with a woman hand in hand.

And the panel ended and I went to meet the rest of the group outside th Marriot Marquis, because the BSG panel was going to be there and in the meantime we had to have our pictures taken with some of the stars. My choices were Joe Flanigan, Kate Mulgre, Mary McDonnell, Kate Vernon and Michael Hogan. But when i arrived i saw II had missed Joe's Flanigan time (*cries). It had been at 10am :(. So I waited for the one with Kate and (stupid) photographer didn't asked outside the room where we had to wait if there were any people waiting for Kate. So only 3 people, that I presume went directly inside were the only fortunates to have a pic taken with her. The worst of all is that I was just outside at the door where people goes outside and didn't see anything. I was waiting there 20min. So seeing nobody went outside and ask I got in and asked. She had already left *worst nightmare*. He said 3 other people had the same problem as me so he would rescheduled the photos for 3.50pm, after my photos with the BSG cast.

After lunch (fast food again lol) time for a photo session. We remember the room in wich we waited as chaos. In the next room where they were taken, Kate Vernon and Mary McDonnell were doing their hair one to another (rofl). Michael Hogan was in a friendly attitude towards Mary McDonnel if you ask me. You know, things like touching her back (.....stop it again, dirty minded; not so low *grins*). We had a good time. Most of the people were nervous...and not just a bit hehe

After that i waitied for Kate to appear but she didn't show up :(. Apparently her flight was at 5.30pm, so I waited till 4.20pm and left without photo  *screams*. We couldn't go to the Stargate panel because we had to be at the bsg photo session

At 5.30pm was a the Atrium ballroom again, in the Marriot Martquis, the BSG panel. It was the last panel in D*C for -mary, Michael...both Michael and Alessandro. And I'm not gonna comment much because I already talked A LOT :)

Just two things.

1- Michael Hogan, you never imagined you would receive so many applauses. Almost as much as Mary. I already said it before. Never thought he would be so....I dont know how to call it...appealing. Not sex appealing as Trucco (that man is more handsome in reality than in the show, talking someone who was not a fan of his beauty before lol) but with other appeals.
2- Michael helping Mary with something from her dress that had got caught with the table. "She is busy". Mary laughing and Michael...well, busy lol.
3- Mary Mcdonnel to the question what she misses from the show. Apart from being President she misses her companions aboard galactica. That's two of us. Anyone more?? I bet there is around a few ;)
4- To Mary, when did she think the romance began between the Admiral and Laura?? GO, Eddie!!!! But I guess we should have seen some scene more apart from the hub and after. Although I have to say that all their scenes have "something". Don't you think?
5- What would you have liked your character do more?? All said, more sex or more bed scenes lol . Michael Trucco, because you didn't want lol. I guess you would have found many volunteers around. Mary, Mary. I guess Eddie would have said the same as Mary ;)
6- Priceless Luciana's anecdote about how she got to know that she was going to be killed thanks to her roommate. Memorial Wall!!
7- Can you imagine Laura drunk??  Well, it would differ a bit from the chamalla (for the talking you know, blah blah, add the rest of sygns and symptoms from the chamalla and you have delirium tremens lol)
8- The Question!!!!!!!!!!  The Answer!!!!!!!! Memorable. He read slowly....and she really liked it. No need for explanation. I thank you,

lauramayw, for asking it. Really good question
9- The cylons in the fleet...When they knew they were cylons. Where they erased from the counting humans board??? They should have!!
10- EJO...you are a bad friend for telling Michael "you are hearing music". Poor Hogan, he didnt know what he was talking about jajaja.
11- At the end Hogan thanks all the fans. WE are family. A big BSG family. SO SAY WE ALL!!

Too boring?? Sorry, I can't stop myself when i have something to say hahahaha.

tv show:bsg, actress:kate mulgrew, convention:dragon*con, dragon*con:diary

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