(no subject)
When I close my eyes I feel a longing deep within my soul...
flowing through my...heart...pounding telling me there must be more....am I not where I should be..who I should be...am I living a lie....
Could I be more?....have I been deluding myself... or am I deluding myself now....that I am more, do I still listen to the whispering... stay.....that I am..nothing? less than?.. keeping me from who I am suppose to be....
Dreaming of more ....persistent now...must be a a reason... Am I resisting my inner voice....could that be the reason?.........lies I have told myself..wanting what....to punish myself... have I made this person.
I'm to blame, I know this now, not wanting to believe that I could not be anyone than who I pretended to be, can I be more...that I could be me..is it possible?
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