Happy Birthday Adam

Jan 29, 2022 18:04

As you probably all know, yet another Aquarian has a birthday today. This year is a milestone for him. He's 40 today. This is what he had to say in a recent interview..

"I do have a Peter Pan complex for sure, so turning 40 is slightly terrifying. That being said, I'm on a personal transition right now into the next chapter. It's exciting. The interesting thing about getting older is the things that were important, shift. At points you might get scared of that change. What's my identity if i can't define myself by the things i once did. But that's the adventure, you find new things that inspire you. It's a bit like no-man's land"

I didn't get around to posting anything last year for his 39th birthday. There's no excuse really as we were all confined indoors while the pandemic was in full swing. So here's a track from the virtual concert he did last year for his fans on his birthday. You may recognise the song..

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