
Jan 16, 2009 10:57

George W. Bush

I am so sick and god damn tired of hearing people rag on George Bush that I could not even begin to express it in the  slightest possible way.
Get the fuck over it, he will be out of office in less than 4 days.
I most certainly do not think in any way, shape, or form that he was the best president, that being said nor do I think he was the worse.

Bottom line: No matter who the fuck sits in the presidential hot seat people will feel 1 of 3 ways; like him, dislike him, or frankly not give a shit and could lean in either direction.

What really grinds my gears as Peter Griffin would say, is how one person could say they hate him or say that "he his not their president".
I do not really want to go too in-depth in with the above statement because I could write for years, but someone said it better than I could myself, "Hatred, which could destroy so much, never failed to destroy the man who hated and this was an immutable law."
How dare someone as an American say that he or any prior president for that matter, is not or was not their president.
Get the fuck out of this country if that is how you feel because freedom is not free.

News fucking flash, you are not going to agree with everyone and if you think politics would be any different you are a complete moron. We have enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love. People disagree most flagrantly with one another based on their beliefs.
Who do you think you are to play God or whatever power you believe in and tell someone they should think this way or that?

I remember arguing with my friends brother because he thought, " If gays had their way, we wouldn't exist or reproduce."
I can't tell him his thought process is wrong even though I felt that his statement was one of the stupidest and most petty things I think I have heard come from a grown 30 year old man. We argued for about 20 minutes straight before I finally could not take it anymore.
You can't win and see eye to eye with someone and after all an eye for an eye makes the world blind!
Politics are a sore subject for me anyway because generally, do you honestly think some white collar brain washed democratic or republic whom you have never met or know on a personal level has the slightest bit of empathy for you?
They don't!


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