a stone and a tin can

Mar 22, 2006 09:23

volitant (VOL-i-tuhnt) adjective

1. Flying or capable of flight.

2. Active; moving about rapidly.

[From Latin volitare (to flutter), from volare (to fly). Volatile and volley
descended from the same source.]

I had the most miserable night ever. My stomach started hurting yesterday afternoon -- like, really hurting. It felt like it was on fire. I don't know what was wrong with me; I drank water, I ate crackers and soup and nothing helped. So I went to bed early, hoping to sleep it off and wake up all better. No such luck. All I did was twist and turn, trying to find some position that would alleviate even the smallest bit of pain. I think I drifted off for about five minutes every hour or so, but I didn't sleep. I got about (maybe) two hours before my alarm went off this morning. I would have skipped class, but my stomach is still hurting and there's no way I'll be able to sleep until it stops.

I hate this.

Words are a commodity in which there is never any slump. -Christopher Morley
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