Feb 16, 2007 22:05
I think pretty much everyone who reads this knows where I stand politically speaking. I'm not going to get up on my soapbox in the partisan sense. I'm not going to openly bash either Democrats or Republicans. Okay, well, at least, not yet.
But I do want to comment on one thing, politically related.
Last night I was watching my beloved Jon Stewart's Daily Show. A brief aside: I want to marry him or, at the very least, have 24 solid hours alone with him locked in a room with a bed, a shower and various foods that can be used in unique ways. Give me a moment to refocus and grab a cigarette (and I don't even smoke).
In the opening sequence, he showed the Republicans in the house passionately fighting against the measure proposed by the Democratic majority to oppose a troop surge in Iraq. One Congressman (and, forgive me, I did not catch who it was) compared not sending more troops to a lack of support for troops and then made a very odd analogy including Davey Crockett. He said (not a direct quote, but very close), "Imagine Davey Crockett fighting at the Alamo and getting a message on his Blackberry that we are supporting him, but are not sending any more troops. What would Davey Crockett have thought?"
Are you fucking kidding me? I can't even begin to list all the ways this statement is wrong in general, but to bring it up in a serious political debate on the floor of the House just astounds me. Are these really the people entrusted with our country's safety, military, economy and well-being?
Another Congressman quoted the play "Wicked" during his exhortation to 'stay the course'. Really? A Play? Can't our leaders do better than this? For fuck's sake, at least quote a founding father or one of the framers. Not a fictional character from a modern day play!
Rant over.
It's safe to come out now children, I am putting the microphone and obscenities away.
current events,
jon stewart