Jan 27, 2005 16:17
So, I've figured out Denison's grass problem.
You didn't know we had a grass problem? Well we do.
You see, I seem to remember a whole bunch of grass seed being blown about by the wind and getting everywhere last semester. There was a lot especially next to the sidewalks where the grass was...sparse.
Well, I know why no grass grows there. Honestly.
When you plow the sidewalks with a snowplow, catching about a foot of the grass on either side as well, it tends to rip the grass up. And then, you're left with no grass. Simple as that. So Denison grows it every fall, and then proceeds to rip it out again when winter comes.
And I thought I was going to a higher end school... *tsk tsk*
Check out the awesome icon made by sarah! It is one of many, including a certain jesus icon which may or maynot appear on here depending on how much guts i get and how much I'm convinced that God does not read my livejournal.