Ask and you shall receive.

Jul 20, 2009 23:21

You know something is good when I can't even get to the end of the story before needing to rec it publicly.

So last week I was sitting around reading High School AUs (The Reinventing Love 'Verse, which I recced below, and But Then My Homework Was Never Quite Like This, which is 85K of porny D/s teacher student hotness*.) and thinking that man, I would really like to read an AU about gay teenagers in high school in the 1950's. I wasn't even thinking that it would feature Jared and Jensen, I just wanted to read the story.

Then, just this morning A Certain Smile was posted for SPN_J2_bigbang, and it was exactly the story I had wanted to read! It's hot and awesome and sweet and touches so many of the elements of being gay at that age that I think it should be required reading for even people outside of fandom -- it reminds me, in that way, why I decided that RPS isn't evil; because it lets people create (and me read!) things like this.

So. Jared is Big Man on Campus, with a cool car, captain of the football team, has the hot girl. Jensen is a greaser with a broken motorcycle. The year is 1958. Read the damn story, already.


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