Life is Short

Jun 26, 2008 11:34

Woke up this morning to the news that a childhood friend of mine died in a motorcycle accident--his 27th birthday was a month from now. To compound this, his sister died in a car accident two months ago. I love that family dearly and this is probably the most tragic event I've ever experienced.

I'm still seeing patients, but when asked 'how are you?' casually I wonder. Do you really want to know? Sometimes it is best to ignore the 'how are you' in greeting we so casually call out. 'Good morning. How are you?' Answer: "It is morning. I'm here."

It's a real bummer and I've nothing of substance I can say to the family. I sent the remaining son, one of my best friends, a text this morning expressing my concern and love for the family. While that's a nice thought, does it make much of a difference? Perhaps not now, but if you didn't call or write or see the wounded party that would be selfish and callous.

So...while it may not make the pain go away sometimes it helps just to know that people care about you and won't abandon you even when life seems to crumble.

There's a poem about Footsteps in the Sand. It's one of my favorites and it's times like these that I find the true beauty in those words and can visual the single footsteps as you're being carried through those horribly rough events.
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