Aug 11, 2005 21:57
day #5, state #5.
i've now driven through:
our 2nd stop was in olympia, washington. it's a cute town on the water where all the kids we saw walking the streets looked so cool. i wanted to be friends with them, join their band, or skate with them. i bet if i grew up here i would be cool too.. we played pictionary in a great coffee shop and drove aimlessly through the town.. .once we left olympia, we were on the hunt for some lake or river or beach to swim at. but as we got closer and closer to seattle it got colder and yeah, we never quite found water to swim in.
we made it to seattle in the evening.. we'd be staying with lorraine, mary and their baby amelia, and two cats in their neat-o house that i would love to steal from them--if houses could be stolen (?).. anyway, seattle, sunny for the first day, we had dinner at a restaurant, outside. we had great seafood, and ended up at a small smoky bar for a drink. the following day we did a whole lotta nothin', but it was great. we enjoyed a capuccino at a great coffee shop, where alyssa met 3 deaf guys and seemed quite excited to sign with them--they were from canada and so i guess some signs are different, i can show you the sign for "tower" later, you might appreciate it. we had a great tour (thanks mary) of the new seattle public library that is a peice of modern art in itself. more seafood on the wharf was a highlight, followed by a visit to the troll under the bridge and then an indian dinner with lorraine, mary and amelia. (i should add that amelia is an amazing baby, she kept me entertained for hours by zipping my hoody open and closed and teaching me how to say "bow" correctly.)
today--day 5 we drove. for hours. through washington (we stopped at snoqualamie falls! but haven't found a spot to swim yet), quickly through idaho and now we are stopped in a motel in butte, montana. time flew because alyssa is reading me a book, she's got great story voices, if any of you want a book on tape you should ask her to record one for you.
highlights of the drive: we saw a buffalo, brown horses, a beautiful sunset (twice), got scowled at by a boy in a parking lot for holding hands, drove past a big forest fire and turned down two homeless kids/a cooler/two dogs for a ride to wisconsin because we could barely fit even another soda in our over-packed sagging moving car.