Intous3 notes

Jun 17, 2008 10:17

- I like my pencils better than I like my inks. Since a comic done all in pencils is messy, I'm just going to have to refine my inking as I go along. I think the inks are too thin at this point, and really don't give the feeling of brushwork. WIP.

- Still up in the air on whether or not the comic should be in color. This depends on how quickly I can color. As a correllary, it definitely shouldn't be flat color. I'm getting a whole Filmation/ "Masters of the Universe" vibe, and that's certainly not the way I want to go.

- I do think that any extra art will be given the full treatment of shade and color.

- I need to really study various tutorials on color application and then try and duplicate them.

- Backgrounds may be a combination of art and filtered photos, depending on the need. I refuse to get all Cerebus crazy with the background, but I don't want floating characters in a white void either.
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