Jun 27, 2004 19:31
OK so I am sorry about the previous entry. I do not mean for this journal to be a place for me to bitch and moan. Today is just opeining my eyes to the fact that I have run myself down too much.. I have watched over everyone else and not myself and now it is catching up to me.. My parents are convinced that I am either anorexic (sp) or doing heavy drugs LOL and I look like shit half of the time! It is time for me to wake up and do something that I feel is exactly what I want to do. Let me tell you one VERY positive thing, and it is thanks to Miss. Becky Alexandre .. Last night I recieved over 1/8 of a "tub" of "ice cream" for $5.. and it is Dave's "ice cream" too.. THANKS BECKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY~~~~~~~~ YEAHHHHHHH!!!! Nephi eat your heart out.. Talk about the best "ice cream" deal of ALL TIME! And she almost gave it to me for nothing but I convinced her to atleast take $5~!~
So my plans this week are as follows
Tonight- Get out of work early and go to Nephis ato let someone take care of me for the first time in a very very long time!
Monday- Work,,, then Danielle then maybe Nephi
Tuesday- Appartment searching with Siobhan and then the BLUFF
Wednesday- Work,,, Then golf at My CASA with Dana! Then maybe Nephi can work on my computer!
Thursday- Work and then , maybe TYLER
Friday- Bitter Sweet last day of work then maybe Tylers,Nephis,Danas or Jeff's...
My goal for tonight is to be loved in some small way and to watch the best cartoon in the world ZIM!
I love you all
1. Becky's fortune cookie fortune "You are gifter in many ways (in bed)" now that is a good one!
2. Never get onion rings from EBA's
3. 1/8 of "ice cream" all to share with my peeps that always share their "ice cream" with me!
4. I would love to see Dave!
5. I fucking love my hair color so fucking much.. except for the straind that is above my ear that I did first and so it is like bright blonde... Woops
6. Some say LOL is laugh out loud others say it means Lots of laughs.. wich do you think it is? I say it is laugh out loud..
7. "I love to laugh ahhahahhahahahhahahha"- Mary Popins
8.For the love of fuck.... right Shleb?
9. I LOVE SHELBY MOORE>. AKA,,, SHLEB aka,.,, SMOORE.. more than ANYONEQ@!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH SHLEB SHLEBHOLE!!!!!!!!