(no subject)

Dec 12, 2005 01:29

The adventures of Belleatrix and bottlerocket7...

We should have known, last night at the christmas party, when the tree fell over twice getting it up and once, fully decorated, and the only thing that saved it from crushing santa was the star becoming wedged in the rafters. The Tree is Evil!!!

So I spent the afternoon being productive. I fixed the cat stand, which required innovation and tools, and was feeling accomplished. I decided to try to bring the tree into the house without bottlerocket7. Ah yes, you say, foolish Belle. What were you thinking?

/me sighs. I then decided to wait until bottlerocket7 was home. Of course, the tree was too tall, and we had no saw, so we had to borrow one from CK.

Pigfucker. Lowes it is.

45 mins with a hacksaw, 45 seconds with the fun new $7 Giant Scary Saw. Yay!!

And, of course, the living room ....

WooHoo!! And, without further ado .... the Christmas Tree.

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