Well, Thanksgiving was an outstanding success at our house this year. Jarrod made the juiciest turkey I’ve ever had and may I humbly say that I rocked the side dishes. It was just the three of us (I count the cat) and really the best Thanksgiving in a while. It was hard not being with my family, but a lot of them were sick this year and no one wanted to be on the road with “the crazies” so we all stayed home and will get together for Christmas.
I have a lot to be thankful for, too much to note here, so I’ll just say I’m definitely a lucky girl and give you a lifted meme form George and Betty.
I see: The afternoon sunlight filtered delicately through my lace curtains.
I need: to keep painting
I find: memes make me far too introspective.
I want: to speak French better than I do.
I have: so much to be thankful for
I wish: the human race could learn to get along. We’d have no more war and no need for weapons. But then, we’d be easy pickings for the invading aliens and their slingshots. All hail Kang and Kodos.
I love: My family
I hate: how songs I think are stupid are the ones that inevitably get stuck in my head.
I miss: my Mom.
I fear: I’ve turned my cat into a food snob. We fed him some turkey, now he turns up his nose at his canned food.
I feel: really bad for my neighbor’s kitty Tootie. They leave her outside for extended periods while they’re gone. She’s still kinda young and howls to be let in the whole time. I’d kitnap her, but their daughter loves her so much and would be sad.
I hear: plaintive meowing outside my window.
I smell: faintly of cinnamon and vanilla
I crave: Chocolate.
I search: for joy and beauty in everything.
I wonder: if I will ever get my Insurance settlement.
I regret: going to college right out of high school.
When was the last time you ...
Smiled?: Moments ago
Laughed?: Again, moments ago. Jarrod keeps me entertained.
Cried?: About three weeks ago, in frustration while cleaning out our closets We just have SO MUCH JUNK!
Bought something?: Last Tuesday. Groceries.
Danced?: Does chair dancing count?
Were sarcastic?: Me, sarcastic? Never.
Kissed someone?: Just did.
Talked to an ex?: Around 2003 or so. Saw him in the grocery store, I was with Jarrod and he was with his wife and by blatantly staring at my chest during the whole conversation he reminded me of why he’s an ex.
Watched your favorite movie?: Well, in order to answer this I have to pick a favorite movie.
Had a nightmare?: Last night had a fairly disturbing dream about my legs becoming more and more blobby until they eventually melted into the floor.
A Last time for everything ...
Last book you read: The DaVinci Code. Yes, I know. But really, it’s a fun book if you turn the thinking part of your brain off.
Last movie you saw: The Incredibles for the second time. So fun.
Last song you heard: Don’t Touch Me Tomatoes-Josephine Baker.
Last thing you had to drink: Coffee
Last time you showered: Late afternoon yesterday
Last thing you ate: le bagel avec beurre
Do You ...
Smoke?: No, can’t stand the smell.
Do drugs?: No thanks, I have enough addictions. Mmmmm…. chocolate….
Have sex?: Yes
Sleep with stuffed animals?: Only when Jarrod eats too much before bedtime.
Live in the moment?: As much as one can, I suppose.
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yes
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: Not really.
Play an instrument?: No
Believe there is life on other planets?: I’d like to believe there is.
Remember your first love?: Yes, I was six or seven and had a huge crush on a friends older brother.
Still love him/her?: Sigh…yes, and someday he’ll take me away to his kingdom and make me a princess. ;)
Read the newspaper?: No, it’s too easy and free to get news online
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: Yes
Believe in miracles?: I want to believe in miracles.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: What are you implying?
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: Yes, very. Until they’re start being stupid or mean.
Consider love a mistake?: I guess it could be. Current divorce rates support that theory.
Like the taste of alcohol?: Not the alcohol itself, no. It’s the stuff around the alcohol I like the taste of.
Have a favorite candy?: Most anything with chocolate. Though I have developed an odd taste for Red Vines.
Believe in astrology?: Logically-no, but I’ve had some readings that are so dead on it’s creepy.
Believe in magic?: Well, yes and no. I think a lot of what is thought of as “magic” we just haven’t found a way to understand or explain scientifically yet.
Believe in God?: Again, I’m of two minds for reasons too many to go into here.
Pray?: I do on occasion, though it seems more of a verbal declaration of thanks or hope rather than a traditional religious prayer. See above.
Go to church?: No.
Have any secrets?: uhh….nope, no secrets here…not at all.
Have any pets: Yes, one evil cat bent on Jarrod’s demise.
Do well in school?: Generally I did well, honor roll and all that in public school. College was a different story until lately.
Go to or plan to go to college?: Yes.
Have a major?: Currently liberal arts, but I plan to double major in Fine Arts and Human Resources Managements eventually.
Talk to strangers who instant message you?: About as much as I talk to strangers in real life.
Have any piercings?: yes, two in each ear.
Have any tattoos?: No, too chicken.
Hate yourself?: Here and there, unfortunately.
Have an obsession?: AN obsession?
Have a secret crush?: No, I make all my crushes known.
Collect anything?: Not one thing actively, but I do have some neat antique books and dolls at my parents house. I’d like to collect exotic plants like orchids and dwarf citrus trees.
Have a best friend?: I have many very dear friends, but my consistent best friend since grade school Carla and I hardly stay in touch anymore. I miss her. I guess Jarrod is my best friend, but he’s my boy friend too. Can some one be a bf and a bff?? Hmmm.
Wish on stars?: Yes.
Like your handwriting?: Well, I rarely handwrite anything anymore so it’s become pretty bad. I seem to fluctuate between cursive and printing in mid sentence. I don’t like my handwriting as much as find it interesting.
Have any bad habits?: No, I’m perfect.
Care about looks?: Mine? Yes. I freely admit I obsess (negatively and positively) about the way I look.
Boy/girlfriend's looks?: Jarrod looks like one of the nerds that Homer Simpson meets in college (
http://www.internerd.com/frink.retired/frinkv.1/nerd.htm) and I’ve always found that charming and sweet. Otherwise, I care about his looks as far as him being clean and presentable, beyond that…whatever.
Friends and other people?: Meh, whatever makes them happy.
Believe in witches?: Yes, I know several.
Believe in Satan?: Just like God, I’m of two minds. Far too complicated an issue to go into here.
Believe in ghosts?: Again, yes and no. Like God, Satan, and magic, I suppose, I believe in the possibility of ghosts, but I need hard evidence that every other possibility has been ruled out before I will say yes.