Mar 10, 2010 17:58
So, i have my evenings pretty scheduled. CM at noon, then starting at 6. Thursdays are the only slow days with no CM, but that's when I watch online.
HOWEVER, last night ION 'disappeared' along with about 1/4th of all the channels we get- no rhyme or reason, they just arent available.
Then today, A&E decided to play an all day Dog the Bounty Hunter marathon, so the ONLY CM I'm getting is a first run on CBS. (I should mention that LOGO is ALSO out, so I dont get my 5PM Buffy, either)
UGH! Probably will watch some online... probably 'Penelope' just cause it's a feast of M/G goodness...
On a related note, why did Pen have to say 'jenkies' with stupid Kevin Lynch?
Also, came up with an idea for a story, since I keep putting off the angsty one.
Last night hubby and I were discussing my ex, and I realized, the ex was my Kevin Lynch, and he's my Morgan! (Seriously, ex was greasy, kinda creepy not attractive geek boy, hubby is handsome, athletic mechanic- not quite FBI awesome like Derek, but faaar from geek boy)
Anyway, so, taking the premise of that discussion, that i had to be with my ex first to get to Hubby, I'm going to translate it into the realm of M/G!
(also, I am attempting to assuage my CM need by watching NCIS... pale imitation... and I'm sorry, ok, Abby's fun and all, but she isnt the awesomeness that IS Penelope Garcia!)
time warner,
criminal minds,