Feb 25, 2010 12:19
I write fanfic for the same reasons women watch romantic movies, or read romance novels.
We are fed on this dream of a knight sweeping us off our feet, of a lasting romance, being cherished and loved all our lives. What isnt understood is the small, subtle ways these things are expressed. We're numb. We want these grand exhibitions of love. What we cant see is that perhaps it's the same thing being said quietly, at night, when your husband pulls you close in his sleep. Or when he takes your hand in the car.
But yet, these little things dont feed the hole inside. I am a treasured wife. I know this. That doesnt exclude me from the yearning deep in my chest for the sweeping music, for the tall, dark, handsome man to literally sweep me off my feet. (And I should add I HAVE a dark and handsome man of my own!)
I think sometimes I shouldnt write. I think it makes the yearning worse. But i think to it helps me to understand what i THINK I'm missing.
My advice for anyone writing fanfic is to get inside your character. Ive written one other story in the past (X-Men, I know) but it stopped there because I couldnt see myself as Rogue.
I Do see myself in Penelope Garcia.
I am Garcia pre Computer Science degree. I have mondo google-fu. I will never be as awesome as her, but I also know what it's like to be the geek in the cool kids club; I know what it's like to be the chubby girl in love with the perfect man who happens to be your best friend. I HEAR her, I understand her.
So, when I write, for a small time, I AM her, and I create a fantasy world the writers of Criminal Minds will allow us. A Fantasy where the tangible chemistry between the two of them can actually be acted upon, where the tragic knight and the bookish lady's maid can ride off together, and the perfect princess will just have to wait and learn to grow a brain.
And he loves her, and adores her, and lavishes her with both his devotion and unquenchable lust at the merest turn of her head.
Who DOESNT want that?