(no subject)

Sep 26, 2006 07:29

It's here. They're finally casting Ariel!! My long term goal as an actress is to play Ariel on Broadway. I'm not ready for a Broadway show yet, but I can't wait until they audition for replacements... *Cries* I wish I could go now. It's my dream role. Atleast now I know where I have to work on belting to so I can wow people when I am ready.
They're casting a little boy to play Flounder :) That's soooo cute. I'm so excited for this show, you have no idea!!

The Little Mermaid - Equity Principal Auditions

Ariel: To play female in her late teens. A mermaid girl on the verge of maturity. A soon-to-be-siren with a frisky sense of fun. An innocent, headstrong and spirited, overflowing with feelings that are fathoms deep, and daring to dream about a different world, the world above the sea. Must move well, but need not be a trained dancer. Vocal range: Crystal clear flawless belt to E.

When: Tuesday, October 3, 2006
Wednesday, October 4, 2006
Thursday, October 5, 2006
10 AM - 5:30 PM all three days
Lunch 1:30-2
Where: New 42nd St. Studio

229 W. 42nd St. NYC

Studio 3A - Holding Room

Studio 3B - Holding Room
Notes/What to bring: Please prepare a traditional musical theatre song. Please bring sheet music; an accompanist will be provided.

Please bring a picture and resume, stapled together.
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