Tuesday, and monday evening...
Yesterday was the first day we actually DID anything at college- spent the morning learning how to measure, by working in pairs. Then the afternoon was drafting out the simple Chemise pattern. Having spent the morning getting measurements I had assumed we'd be applying them to the chemise, but no, it's just a standard size 12-14... well, Mazz, you'll be Lady Macbeth at some point! I think it says something about my mental state that as soon as I learnt we had the opportunity to decorate these garments, rather than thinking Beading, or embroidery, or dying it, my mind went to "OK, Bloodstains. HOW does one do theatrical bloodstains that will survive being washed regularly?" Also I'm considering a ragged, stained hem... not so much Lady Macbeth but would look cool.
After college
I got Baby to talk to my new printer... not really played with it yet, very concsious of the cost of more ink etc. but then I headed down to Jared's, to go for a curry with him and Mazz. I'd left oh, 45 minutes? should have been about right. I was an HOUR late. I got stuck at Kennington for 30 minutes. Basically, the Northern line goes from 2 branches to one at Kennington, so about half the trains terminate there. But last night, every train seemed to stop, each full of people wanting to continue south. I'd just missed a Morden train, and there was't one for 15 minutes... by the time one came, there were about 3x the capacity of a single train waiting to go on south! And the train that arrived was already packed... no bloody way. most of the people either sardined in, or left the station... presumably got a bus or something sensible. But I had to wait another 1 minutes for more southbound trains - what did happen was 2 came along with only a couple of minutes in between. So while the first one got packed, the second was only really full - ie. I could get on. Unfortunately, 2 stops further down, about 100 people tried to get through the door I was standing by- FAR too many, all pushing, I freaked out. I pushed back and got off the train, crying and breathing fast, but still in control. But I was so touched by the kindness of strangers - two separate people checked up on me, asked if I was ok! Fortunately the next train after that packed one was half empty, so I got down to Jared's. Eventually. And he and Mazz gave me alcohol. Then we went for a curry at a rather nice modern Indian just round the corner from him- PELTING rain by this point - so nice to have the three of us just sitting, feasting and chatting. Would have been EVEN better if we'd had a Thingywot too, but she has rather dropped off the face of the planet. :( grrr.
Anyways, made it back, having gone to the Tesco/petrol garage near Jared's for bread and milk, apples and carrots... all organic, I'm such a middle-class student! :P It was so tempting to wait, as mother was picking Mazz up to take her home. but if I'd gone home last night, then buying my own groceries would have been redundant.
This morning
I woke up 7.45, perfect as my alarm went off at 8... not long enough to go back to sleep, but still early. grrr. I actually bumped into someone else in the house!!! Just as I was getting out of the shower - ie. had got out of shower, and was leaving shower room for my own room - a guy was coming down for a shower himself. Excellent timing.
Got to college fine. We were meant to be starting cutting out our chemises, but the fabric hadn't been delivered yet. So, make-work, blocking out a bodice from our own measurements. And with my figure, and this pattern, it DOES NOT WORK. As a girl of a fuller figure, I am not a simple two-dimensional shape fabric can stretch around. Big girls are NOT slim girls scaled up, not the same but wider. All the proportions of this block are all wrong, the sleeve is kind of "G" shaped rather than "U". And it's all mathematically accurate, I've spent ALL DAY checking these figures. It's all in centimetres, so it means nothing to me in relation to my actual size - which is probably a good thing, as it's less depressing. But I'm just so frustrated by this whole ARRRGGGGHHHHHHHH!
Also, our teacher was only in this morning, we had the afternoon to finish off or leave, whatever we wanted. However I'm good - after (a slightly longer) lunch, I went back and continued the head-walling. After I've done as much as possible on my own, I'm now in the college library to be online.
There's people prowling around wanting the computer, but they can fuck off, I'm keeping my reflective journal here! this is work. grrr. Honest.
No, really it is. I have to keep a journal detailing my thoughts and feelings and responses to the course... you're certainly getting my feelings here of INTENSE FRUSTRATION!!! Plus pain. My shoulder's flared up REAL bad today... yes, I forgot to do the exercises last night and this morning, but this is WAY beyond normal. on the 0 - 10 pain scale, this is up at 8 - involuntary crying from pain. 9 is screaming, and 10 is passing out. And it's just not easing off, whatever I do. I'm gonna finish off online, then go back to my little room and take a couple of painkillers, then nap. then I think I'll install Sims 2 on Baby - I got an email asking to use my WWRY Sims skins in a Sims 2 movie. Of course, sounds great to me - but I've not done the whole set yet! I need painkillers for the headache too. All not good.