
Mar 04, 2009 15:46

It occurred to me that I've not, actually, been posting about what I'm doing at the moment.  I've got a commission to make a Greaseball costume.

This is a fairly ambitious, labour-intensive project, as my Commissioner, Drue, wants it to look as good as possible.  So do I.  But things haven't been going exactly smoothly.  He contacted me at the beginning of the year about the possibility of me making him the costume by April.  Yeah, no problem, would love to!  So we were working out details, costs, etc, when it occurred to him that having the costume for early March would be awesome - possible?  Umm, yeah, I guess, said I at the end of January.  10 weeks down to 5, but that's still a good while to make one costume...  Let's just say with job hunting, interviews, all the bits and bobs going on, I've not been putting in full time work on this.

As ever with costume commissions, things get tight towards the deadline - and this time, for the early March deadline, the trousers, shirt and Jacket are completed and posted off. The other items - shoulders, belt, elbow pads, gloves, medallion, headband, and skate covers - will be following shortly.  Just not quite yet.

Thought I'd be kind to friends pages.....  I did get a little carried away playing with camera settings!  Yay Macro!


commission, costume, gb, photography

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