Today's lesson.....

Dec 06, 2007 18:51

When all else fails, use your boobs.

In this context, I spent a very frustrating day in props with everything not QUITE working.    including getting the plaster mould for the shoulderpads out of the alginate mould, taken from the clay model Imade...  but it was stuck.  stuck stuck stuck!   I spent HOURS prizing it out...  in the end it needed boob power.  worked immediately.

kneepads failed in vacforming.  the plastic creased, and at 2mm thick it's impossible to cut through, got a nice big blister on my right hand from trying to hack through it.   Did get three copies of the shoulder pad vac-formed, each mildly flawed but not so bad.  So...   tomorrow morning is my last day in props, and I just have to sort out the kneepads.

Had a random noseblled that took an hour to stop this afternoon.   not necessary.   Feeling less than brilliant.   still, last day of term tomorrow.   no more commuting!

sick, journal

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