{OOC) Reference!Application

Feb 05, 2009 20:58

{ Mun Information }
☆ Name: Jiiiyuuu~ ♥
☆ Age: 16
☆ MSN: o_valencia@live.com
☆ AIM: jiyuchan1
☆ Yahoo: jiyu_the_paper_alchemist
☆ Livejournal: jiyu_chan

{ Character Information }
☆ Nation/City/State: Republic of Texas 8D
☆ Human Name: Isabella Yorkshire but goes by the nickname of Belle (I named her after Queen Isabella of Spain. |D)
☆ Age: 21
☆ Grade: Assistant Band Director {Percussion} and Ap/Literature 4 (I've discussed this with Luxembourg 8D)
☆ Birthday: October 2
☆ Physical Description: She has long wavy jet black hair and emerald green eyes. She is very slender and is known for wearing elegant dresses and jewelry. (Think kinda like a southern belle, but not the typical looking one. |D) (I will be using icons of Nadeshiko Kinomoto of CCS for her appearance because I can't really think of anyone else. |D)
☆ Personality Description: She is a bit timid but can get enraged easily. She tries to be kind and fair to all her students, but she can go overboard sometimes. She loves politics and partakes in debates very easily. She loves to read books of all types, but especially loves Pre-Victorian/Victorian, Medieval, and modern literature (Jane Austen, Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, George Orwell, etc.). She majored in English Lit. and music with political science and liberal arts minors.
☆ History: Isabella is the older sister Alfred and the younger sister of Antonio. When she was a young girl (about 5), she was abandoned in the rain by her parents and was found by Antonio when he decided to take care of her like she was his younger sister. (The Spanish discovery of the Americas) From there, she was sent to a boarding school in France (I choose France because after the Spanish discovered the Americas, the French came and tried to claim what is now Texas/Louisiana/New Mexico (I think)/and Mexico), where she became obsessed with English literature and decided to become an English lit major as well as a music major, after taking an orchestra course during her 7th - 12th grade years. (basing this on myself actually. |D) Being a woman, she was frowned upon to ever become involved politics, but the essence that it was forbidden to her made her more attracted to it. From being in a boarding school for so long, she grew distant from her older brother, and decided to help another another child much like her disband themselves from Antonio, in exchange for protection as long as she followed his rules. (The Mexican Revolution and Stephen F. Austin's colonization of Texas) It was OK, for a while, but then she met her younger (biological) brother Alfred and wanted to be an independent person like he was. So, she asked if she could move away, but Mexico refused her, and instead they ended up in a fight. She was beat brutally by Arthur and Mexico, but her younger brother saw this and decided to defend her and decided help her with her endeavors. (Texas Revolution, I include Arthur in this because Santa Anna, the President of Mexico, hired British troops to help the Mexican army) Together they defeated the two and he left her mostly on her own, as she became a stronger fighter (Texas becoiming it's own country), but by this, she became mostly non-violent and used her strength in self-defense after a couple of more attacks from Mexico. After being fed up with Mexico, she decided to move in with Alfred when he finally used his influence to get Mexico off her back(annexation of Texas to the United States and the Mexican-American war), but moved out shortly after because she felt he stated to limit her freedoms. (Succession of Texas from the United States during Civil War over states rights and creation of the Confederate States) After talking some things over with him and made compromise, she moved back in with him. (Reconstruction) Seeing as he was going to become a student at Universal High, she decided to follow him there and become a teacher, applying her talents to her work.
☆ Pets: She has one calico cat named Scout, after the character Scout from the book To Kill a Mockingbird
☆ Other: After having a bad experience with the younger boy Arthur, she has been wanting to meet him again and hope to make up with him.

{ RPG Information }
☆ Livejournal Example: Today is my first day teaching on the campus, though I came here about two days ago. I spent my time unpacking and exploring the campus and I must admit, it is much colder than I'm used to. Texas wouldn't necessarily be considered the hottest place on earth, but it very well seemed like it, and to move from there into this cold was a major switch from what I'm accoustomed to.

For my first lesson, I plan to have my lit. class read Pride & Prejudice, while in my band class I will have my students working on basic marimba and snare techniques to refresh their memories, only to have them move onto their show music to learn for their first marching band competition. I know that some of the more senior members of band will probably be bored to death with fundamentals, but I'm really expecting the freshmen and some of the sophomores to need it.

I need to go out and buy some cat food, Scout has been eating a ton lately. This may not be such a good thing.
☆ Third Person Example: "Class, take out your copies of Pride & Prejudice and turn to page 10." she said sternly. She usually didn't speak in such a strict manner, but when she's teaching it's like she turns into another person almost. But she took literature in general very serious, it was only natural she teach it that way. She started to assign students to read particular parts from the text, then noticed that Arthur was in her class. She decided to assign him the part of Darcy, only to hear the fire alarm go off.

☆ Other Characters I play:
Arthur Kirkland (England)

!application, !reference, !ooc

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