Aug 07, 2004 01:57
Some people are simply unbearable. Some people are so blind, idiotic, and closed-minded that it makes you wonder how the hell they got that way. Beligerant, judgemental, close-minded people who think they have all the answers and know everything about situations and people, that they actually have no-where even close to enough knowledge -in any way- to make any sort of judgement or statement, get on my nerves So incredibly much that I just cant stand it!
Craig- May I ask you to be Very careful what you say and to who, because I am really enjoying talking to you again, and I would hate for you to say something to wreck it just before I leave because it would upset me grately, and it would not get solved before I leave, and I wont have time to solve it after I leave. So please be careful, because I enjoy being friends with you. Alot.
Lauren and Jacob- I am SO thankful for you both right now, and all my other more open-minded-ly inclined friends. Thank you for helping me understand and be more open-minded.
And I know I shouldnt say this, and I'm actually almost scared to say it, but it doesnt really matter if she believes me or not, it doesnt change this.
But either way,
I love you.