Figured I'd start posting OOC on Isabella's recent activities, more for my own benefit than because I expect anybody else to read. Though other muns are welcome to rep here if they have comments/criticisms/evil plot bunnies for me! I'll try to keep this up every week or so... ha, famous last words.
deadmentalking: Isabella's been all but silent since her
intro post. I've been spreading my time too thin among other pups, but I mean to get her more active soon. There's a whole slew of fantastic pups here, several being of Isabella's historical acquaintance (Edward I and Edward II, though Isa is understandably less excited than I about the latter). And today I noticed a Mortimer on her flist. Excuse us while we *squee!*
theatrical_muse: Isa needs to answer more challenges, but the recent questions haven't appealed to her dramatic flair as well as
this one. She'll just have to learn to consider a topic that doesn't necessitate her bitching about Neddy. On the RP front, she's been doing a lot of meeting and greeting -- chatted with many interesting muses on her
intro, ranging from TV characters to Attila the Hun. Haven't kept up with her tags as well as I would like, but it's me we're talking about, so that's pretty much a given!
Of course the big event last weekend was
birthday party. Isabella had a brief but pleasant conversation with Amy North, was greeted by Loki, then proceeded to flirt chat with Macbeth until the wee hours of the morning. For all her willingness to denounce Celts left and right, she seems to particularly enjoy the Scotsman's company.
With regard to TM Isa's background, I'm still very much in experimentation mode. Since introducing her I've decided that I want her to be able to interact with modern pups as if she's already acquainted with this century... I just don't know how she's getting from one age to the other! I have a couple ideas but have yet to choose between them, so for now I'm being obviously vague on the matter. Hope this isn't too confusing/annoying for any who RP with her. Will keep working on it!