Dec 19, 2008 12:22
So for one of my university courses we have to do a group project having to do with culture. Ours is the comparison of Austrian stereotypes. As in stereotypes Austrians have about themselves as compared to stereotypes people from abroad have about us. So you'd all help me sooooooooo much if you could just answer these questions. If it'd make you more comfortable you can also send me the answers via email (kristina dot neubauer @ gmail dot com) Just give your opinion, there are no right or wrong answers :)
1) What are stereotypes?
2) How do you think stereotypes are created?
3) What are the stereotypes about Austrians/Austria?
4) Do you believe in them? Why/Why not?
Oh and please tell me where you are from as well.
Thank youuuuuuuuuuu all so much *hugs f-list* Know that you all are the bestest f-list ever (and yes, I did say bestest and I do not feel ashamed! Ha lol)