OOC: Storyline time.

Apr 09, 2008 13:57

Road To Recovery: The person Rose would view as her hero. The one person she’ll do anything for. The person who helps to heal all that has gone wrong. The one person she loves a little bit more, with a little more heart, the person she'd go into battle for, the person she'd give up her happiness so they could be happy. (The Doctor)

Near To You: This is the person who is her sunlight. The person who is becoming her rock, her saving grace. The person who is keeping her from falling to shattered pieces as she tries to cope with the result of everything that is wrong in her life. This person is something special to Rose, but she knows it could all go wrong at the drop of a pin, that she could hurt them.  (Mat Wallace)

Unknown Solider: Rose has gone through some horrible things since joining Torchwood, and these select few are the ones who know, and who understand what it means, these sorts of things have happened in the years between the void, and the rift. They have her total trust and respect. ( Jack Harkness, Charlie Walker, 2 openings)

Borrowed Time: There are some people who’re just meant to cheer you up, for you to joke with, play with, have fun with. These people give you borrowed time, something to go to when the rest of the world is breaking (Charlie Walker, Jack Harkness, Sally Sparrow, Aubrey Ringland  multiple openings)

But Tonight We Dance: These are the broken people in Rose’s life. The comrades, brothers and sisters in arms. The ones who still have hope, the ones who will dance tonight because tomorrow might be the day they march to the gallows, these people who are her foxhole buddies. (multiple openings)

Long Way To Happy: These people incur Rose’s maternal instincts, the ones she wants to take care of, to help, to heal, to save, to fix. These are the ones who Rose will pour lots of effort into (Cole,  multiple openings)

She's A Rebel: Rose…is really…bad…at listening when people tell her to stay out of trouble. These are the people who try, and try very hard, to keep her out of trouble, and whom she always ignores. Not intentionally of course! (3 openings)

Cause I Can: Rose doesn't like to be ordered around, she doesn't like to be treated like a lesser person, and these are the people who tend to get on Rose's nerves, because they treat her like she's too young, or too stupid, to be an equal. The people who just make her grit her teeth. (multiple openings)

The Sinner In Me: Rose has been beaten, and tossed around pretty badly, and she’s covered all over with spider web cracks, and these are the people who could shatter her, twist her up, and hurt her. (2 openings)

Justified Black Eye: This is the single person Rose will let hurt her, because she either loves them, or is trying to save them. Either way, she’ll let them ruin her. (Elashte).

Obviously these are subject to tweaking, and some might be added, though that seems fairly doubtful. But I reserve the right, just in case. Also, if you have any suggestions for storylines either for Rose or for Rose to get involved in, lemme know. I'm always, always, always open to ideas! 

ooc, beyond the rift, storylines, rose

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