[Public] Blimey...

Apr 03, 2008 01:07

Right. So. I'm in Chicago. Dunno when, dunno if this is even the same universe as mine, dunno how I even managed this and here I am.

In a hotel. In Chicago. In America.

With the Doctor. Or a Doctor. Or...And he tells me there is a Jack. Not my Jack, but a Jack.

Well this is brilliant. Just, wonderful. Mum is gonna kill me. Dunno how, but she'll find a way. And Torchwood is probably going to explode itself and the Earth cause they're really very lost sometimes.

And Micky and Jake! Well damn.

Alright. Enough of that.

I have a pretty new journal, and a hotel, and Chicago to explore and heaven knows I've missed exploring. Where to start, where to start, where to start....

Hm. Maybe...I'll just sit for awhile and think. Maybe take a nap. Watch a movie. Have a couple cups of tea.

I'll explore in a bit.

beyond the rift, in-character, public entry

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