Sep 25, 2008 18:44
I hate Bacterial Genetics. I hate doctor's appointments, and sometimes, I even hate the goddamned blue sky!
It is the fall, it should be 15 degrees outside and raining, not 25 degrees and sunny!
Sorry, just a little peeved, tired and not drunk enough to even be safe for consumption. I have an aikido class tonight, followed by birthday drinks for my friend Mon and then studying/passing out and drooling on my $130 Molecular Genetics textbook. Education sure is a learning experience.
I also wanted to say that I am uber jealous of writers who post on Time and Chips. I have rarely seen any crap posted on that comm. Pretty much everything that comes out of there is a slice of fried gold. I only wish I had time and the ability to focus so that I could put some of my twisted and demented Doctor/Rose stories out there.
I was kind of thinking of doing an AU reniuon fic between the two, where Rose is actually horribly bitter and hates the Doctor for stranding her in the parallel universe, while the Doctor mourns how much he still loves her despite the fact that she wants to kill him, or something. I don't know, I'm sure I'll write it the night before a midterm when I am avoiding studying like the plague.