Oct 25, 2009 01:06
I believe that...
- Everyone should watch a really great sunrise at some point in their lives
- There is nothing like a great cup of coffee
- Most major holidays should result in a high level of home décor to celebrate
- Adults should still get celebrate holidays the way they did when they were kids (Christmas stockings, Easter egg hunts, etc.)
- Everyone should try at least one major thing in life that scares them more than anything else
- Black and white pictures are more artsy but I don't know why
- While distance makes the heart grow fonder, close proximity can create a strong love and appreciation
- Pets can be the best companions
- Everyone should have something they are passionate about
- You don't become "old" until you have nothing to live for anymore
- Small compliments to strangers truly make his or her day
- Candles make a home feel more cozy
- It's a good idea to dress up and go out once in a while
- Dancing around the house like a fool while your favorite song is playing is not only acceptable, but encouraged
- Crying may not solve a problem, but it will make you feel more relaxed and able to think about it better
- A runner's high really exists
- Acupuncture works wonders
- Tattoos can be wonderful and creative expressions of the self
- Milk is best enjoyed with a pastry of some kind
- Pillows, cell phones, cameras, erasers and glue are some of the best inventions
- Making lists can be fun
I'm not sure what inspired me to write these thoughts down. I suppose they are just my own reminders.