Title: This Is The Night
midnight_jo Artist:
bluesuzanne Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight, therefore I do not own Bella and/or Jacob.
Book: Eclipse-ish
Rating: G
Word Count: 15644
Character/Pairing(s): Jacob/Bella
Warnings: Mild language, some angst, Bella being Bella.
Summary: The night provides an escape for Bella, but it also brings uncertainty. It's a good thing she isn't afraid of the dark.
Author's Note(s)/Acknowledgements: This is a sort-of sequel to my other long oneshot
Breakdown. It's not required reading or anything, but this story will make more sense if you've read that one first. As for acknowledgements, I have but one person to thank:
bluesuzanne, thank you SO MUCH for all your gorgeous, gorgeous art and for making the fan mix!!! Youre a superstar! :D
Link to Fic:
Part One /
Part TwoLink to Art:
HERE (Banners, Wallpapers, Icons, Fic Mix)