I won an
Anti-Bloggie in 2003.
When the category shifted from"MOST REFERENCES TO CAT IN BLOG" to "MOST REFERENCES TO PET IN BLOG" I knew I had a chance.
Centrs.com beats me in cute pictures and cat references but hey, I've got crabs. You can't beat a blog that talks about crabs all the time. Also my
Kurdish War Dog has gotten a blog and has pumped up the visibility of our life together
I have prepared a small speech for this momentous occasion:
I would like to thank Leia and Dave and all those that voted for me. I know the competition was steep but really the crabs have tipped the scales. You can't beat a girl with crabs and a world dominating dog. I will have pics up soon to thank my dogs for getting me this far in life.
I will also be editing this more when I have time and I'm done jacking with the design and it's freaked out status.