Induced Monday

Feb 16, 2008 12:18

So. I had been scheduled to be induced on Monday the 18th for a couple of weeks now. But, as these weeks have gone by... nothing has happened in my body it seems. Baby hasn't dropped, I've had no contractions, I haven't lost the plug unless it's been a very gradual loss daily... nothing to indicate the baby's ready to come out yet.

So, on my last appointment on Friday I told the doctor I didn't think I wanted to be induced yet. Despite what you're told about not listening to other people's horror stories, I do have a friend who was induced while her child was still high up in her ribcage and she said it was hours of pointless pain spent with nurses pushing on her uterus trying to get the baby to go down WHILE having painful pitocin-triggered contractions.

I told the doctor this and he nearly rolled his eyes. Not wanting to discredit my friend, he said, he had never heard of anyone doing that and assured me that nothing like that would happen to me. He gave me my exam and said that I was 1-2 cms. I told him that he told me that last Monday, then when I'd went back Friday he'd told me I was "still all closed up." He assured me again that my cervix was very soft, that if I wanted we could get an epidural that day because I was almost 2 cm and he could feel the baby's head and blah blah blah. Basically, he told me that if I didn't already go into labor this weekend, I'd for SURE be ready by Monday at 5:30 am to be induced. Hell, he wouldn't even have to give me that pill to soften the cervix because I'm there. Supposedly. Thing is, I don't know if I trust him. He told my co-worker that her waters were low and sent her in a week and a half early to be induced only for all the nurses to question why he'd said that when her water was completely normal and waaaay full when they broke it. We find out later that he had a vacation coming and we theorized that he just wanted to work the baby into his time. I can actually understand that somewhat. He's got tons of patients. It must be really hard to be on-call often and be in and out of the hospital catching babies (because that's all he does, really, is catch them). I understand he probably doesn't want another doctor to be the one that delivers after he's invested a good 6 months checking up on the patient in question. But damn. It is MY body and if it's not ready, I shouldn't be coerced into having a baby before the baby's ready. I'd understand if I was late. Another girl at work had a child who wouldn't come out. Two weeks after her due date and her body hadn't done nothing. This was bad for her because the doctors could actually see that her placenta was looking old and detaching from the uterus. That's FINE. I get inducing in situations like that. But this Monday will be a day or two before my due date.

I know I can still NOT do it, but he really wore me down talked me into it. Ron wasn't at that particular appointment to help me stand my ground and I... I'm weak and caved and accepted it. Besides, I have trouble with confrontation... and how the hell do you argue with a doctor who supposedly knows what's best for you? As much as he COULD be working this baby into his work schedule, maybe he's telling the truth and even though I haven't felt the contractions, maybe I AM dilated and mostly ready. Grr.

So. The plan is to spend all weekend doing everything I can to get the baby to drop at least. In addition to seducing my husband, we plan on walking around the mall and going to Walmart. Would have loved to go golfing but it's cloudy and a little chilly. Alas.

Well, wish me luck and hopefully something'll happen this week. Hopefully I won't have a long labor. Oh yeah, he loosely threw that around, too. "We'll get you started on the pitocin and sometimes babies react badly and if that happens we'll just give ya a C-section... blah blah." o.o okay. I know it's routine for him and I'm not scared of getting one if I have to, but damn.... don't act so nonchalant about it.

Love to all!

Kristin, Ron and "Tugs" (possible nickname-don't freak out)

pregnancy, doctor, induce, hospital

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