TV reviews

Oct 14, 2007 22:04

Complete with SPOILERS for this season so far and likely all previous. Ye be warned.

Reviews of Shows

Although I Love New York 2 is on again, I has to take backseat to Heroes. Besides, ILNY2 repeats often on VH1.

Heroes has gotten really... not interesting for me. I know they're only on their 3rd or 4th episode, but it doesn't have the same drive and interest that the first season had. Some people say this season has gotten even more cheesy (and it kinda has... the whole Superman-flying scene in particular), but it has ALWAYS been cheesy and I still loved it. I think it's that each episode used to focus primarily on one key character with snippets of other characters in between. Or maybe I'm just thinking of the Company Man episode too much. This season it seems scattered and all over the place.

And where's my catchy line of interest? "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World" was all kinds of awesome. You knew the outcome (well, one of many) and the rest of the season was filling in the blanks and solving the puzzle. This season doesn't really have that. They also don't seem to have a bad guy. I know someone's going around killing the heroes and Molly dreams of this horrible monster, but it doesn't have the same gleefully insane draw like Sylar did for me.

I'm really bored with Claire and her new love interest (who I must kill if he ends up responsible for the death of my beloved HRG/Mr. Bennet). I have NO interest in the twins whatsoever. Especially since we've seen the exact same thing in the last three episodes. We've known since day one that she's a plague of sorts and he's the cure. But they keep showing us over and over. C'mon, do something new. While I love his new hair, I'm really bored with Peter and his amnesia. So over-done. And I agree that the new Irish folks are overly cliché and stereotypical. I miss Peter interacting with Claire and Nathan and his evil mother. Speaking of Nathan and evil mom, where are they? They need to be there more.

Maybe I'm getting too picky about TV and movies. So let me address stuff I still like in the show. Firstly... HIRO. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE. I'm just as big a fangirl of his as he is to comic books and Sci-Fi. *_* He's still adorable and under-used. I miss his interaction with Ando, though, but I love his new role as role model to Sark Takezo Kensei. I really hope he ends up with the girl! If not, Ando's waiting for him with love. Hmm, I also still love Matt, even more so now that he's 1/2 of Molly's dads. :) I think their whole family situation is so cute. Lastly, I'm enjoying what they did with Sylar. I'm glad he killed annoying girl Candice/Michelle but yay for no powers and new Sylar frustration. Where the F is he, anyway?

I hope the writers step up their game in the next few episodes. But I'll likely continue to watch it regardless. <3 Hiro.

Speaking of Heroes... Great Post about Lack of Heroes posted by captainsblog

Is Beauty and the Geek on this night? I think so, and I like it as one of my guilty pleasures but it's not a Must See in my book so I'll forfeit any reviews on it thus far.

House. AHHH, how I love this show. I love Hugh Laurie. How can you not love a prick-asshole of a Doctor who's 99.9% right? *_* I would like to see a little more House/Cuddy or House/Wilson action. He needs to wind up with at least one of them eventually, but I got relationshipped-out with Cameron/Chase. Glad they're all still going to be at the hospital but I'm really enjoying House's new interns.

Before this season one of my favorite episodes was "Three Stories" where he taught students at the lecture hall. Having 40 applicants to select from was similar to that scenario. I love his Survivor-like take on his hiring and firing. *_* LOVED the first episode when Wilson kidnapped his guitar. <3 House!

Since Top Chef ended, I thought I wouldn't have anything to fill the void in my life but I was wrong. I watch America's Next Top Model but ultimately just wait for the marathons, so that's not it. Pushing Daisies is my current peak of interest. I'm not sure it's a "Must See" just yet, but it's so cute and WHIMSICAL that I can't help but smile at the concept, visuals, narration (which reminds me of the narrator from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) and stories so far. I love the main character and his pie shop makes me hungry. *_* nom nom. Not sure if I like his childhood crush, but we'll see. I feel bad for the poor waitress at the shop and the dog (who can't be petted by his owner lest he die), but otherwise, I'm pleasantly surprised. :)

First, we have My Name is Earl, one of my newest favorite shows. I finally got Ron to watch Season 1 with me and I think he likes it to. There's just something about dumb redneck humor that's made of win. I thought I'd be sad that Earl's still in prison, but they sure haven't let me feel it yet. The stories are still as humorous and I'm enjoying the backstory we're getting on all the favorite characters. ^_^ I love how much continuity this show has.

Next, we have a favorite, The Office. I haven't been extremely wowwed, but I've overly enjoyed the first few episodes. Some people complain about the episodes being an hour but I personally like having more Office than less. A lot of people were also apprehensive about the show now that Jim and Pam are official, but I think the writers have dealt with it wonderfully. A lot of shows do tend to get boring when the leading crushes finally hook up, but so far I think PB&J are still cute and their scenes are just short enough not to become too much too fast. I love that Jim and Dwight still have their relationship, and while I'm sad about the end of Dwangela, I have reason to hope that the drama it will cause (especially with rebound Andy?) will be nothing short of hilarious. Ryan is the new character you just love to hate, and I hope we see more Kelly/Ryan soon. Her fakeout pregnancy was awesome and I wish the writers would have used that for a few episodes instead of just one. But maybe we'll have Kelly/Darrell now? That'll be interesting.

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

Don't really watch anything on TV. Tried to give Moonlight a shot but it was just horrible, despite the pretty vampires. Oh well.

Is it January/February yet? 'Cause I miss Lost and 24.

And since it's kinda TV related... Greg Grunberg (Matt Parkman from Heroes, Weiss from Alias) is one of my new favorite actors/people. *__* He's so adorable like a big teddy bear. AND, along with one of my other favorite actors, Hugh Laurie (House from House), he's in a band (consisting of all actors) for charities around the world. It's called Band from TV and you can check out their myspace page here.

Why is it when baby is really active, Ron's at work? He maaay have felt the baby move, but I'm looking forward to when he'll actually know for sure that's what he felt. So on the topic of babies...
This page may help me with my dilema in Baby Names. Hmm, already it's lead me to this interesting helper that really didn't help me at all.

tv, linkspam

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