
Dec 12, 2006 05:50

:D Yay minna!

So, Friday night I was kidnapped by Jess and Sarah and taken up to beautiful Bellingham where I got to see Jackles/Katesy too. And all of their homes. And meet all of their terribly allergy-producing-but-oh-so-adorable-and-mischevious animals! After getting asthma spray, I was fine, but whoo that first night of wheezing was awful.

No guilt meant, girls.

YAY though. RON. I got to see everyone and the last night I was there they brought out the notebooks and I scened for probably the first time in two years. It was teh awesome. I must log onto ICQ more often and resume my old pasttime. I would be on right now if this were my computer. Alas.


I said my goodbyes in B-ham and then Katesy drove me back Sunday morning (after getting a speeding ticket..). Less than two hours later after a much-needed shower, my sister and her fiance picked me up and took me to THEIR humble abode and we had good times. Mostly ranting about childhood. Yay I got to meet Greg who seems perfect for my darling little sister.


Today sucked at work 'cause I was all cranky and bloated, but whatever... it's almost over. I can't wait to see RON and snuggle.

I still need to buy my dress. Argh.

Links! RON!

Silly String now used for our troops?

HELP the world by clicking this link as they will donate a dollar to every candle lit.

LLAMAS! enlisted to help with bio warfare. crazy.

How did I not know Santa had this little scary helper?

Even more importantly, or not, how did I not know they were doing a "Terminator" show on FOX called "The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Yay for starring a "Heroes" actor. :)

Yay new Star Trek movie! which apparently I also didn't know about. Boo, though, to it being a 2009 production thus far. :\

I like old ladies who don't give up without a fight... or rather douse their assailant with gasoline. ^_^

Okay, so I'm only posting this next link mainly because cleolinda's comment behind it cracked me up so much. And she's the person who I steal most of my links from, you know, if I haven't told you all a hundred thousand times before. And here we go: Manliness is next to godliness. "Stine's daylong revival meeting, which he calls 'GodMen,' is cruder than most. But it's built around the same theory as the other experimental forums: Traditional church worship is emasculating. Hold hands with strangers? Sing love songs to Jesus? No wonder pews across America hold far more women than men, Stine says. Factor in the pressure to be a 'Christian nice guy' - no cussing, no confrontation, in tune with the wife's emotions - and it's amazing men keep the faith at all." YEAH! You know what? We should crush beer cans on our heads for Jesus! Headbutt each other in the name of the Lord! Hold services out at the shooting range! Then we can go blast some Turks and recapture the Holy Land! RAWK.

And might I direct you over to amanuensis1's entry on religious thoughts regarding equal time for agnostics and atheists because that's how I feel a lot of the time. Her journal mentions her inspiration for the blog, Dan Radcliff says he's not religious at all

Thanks goes to captainsblogfor this fun story about a woman who lit a match on a plan (which grounded it and lead to baggage searches) to hide her fart

Your results:
You are Kaylee Frye (Ship Mechanic)
Kaylee Frye (Ship Mechanic)
Wash (Ship Pilot)
Zoe Washburne (Second-in-command)
Malcolm Reynolds (Captain)
River (Stowaway)
Inara Serra (Companion)
Dr. Simon Tam (Ship Medic)
A Reaver (Cannibal)
Jayne Cobb (Mercenary)
Derrial Book (Shepherd)

You are good at fixing things.
You are usually cheerful.
You appreciate being treated
with delicacy and specialness.

Click here to take the Serenity Personality Quiz

While I like Kaylee, I really didn't see myself like her at all... o.O but eh, oh well.

friends, linkspam, bellingham

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