Jun 24, 2009 22:15
but again, I'm proved wrong. I'm watching "Pitchmen" 'cause it was conveniently on after "Mythbusters." Holy crap. Who the frak thinks the "crunch bowl" is a good idea??? Seriously? I thought he'd have a smarter idea on how to keep the cereal from getting soggy. But no. It has a "shallow end and a deep end" just like a swimming pool. SERIOUSLY? I could have solved this problem better! How about a floating divider between cereal and milk with holes in it? That way when you push down on it you can get cereal and milk but ultimately when not being pushed down, the cereal would float on top of it and avoid getting soggy?? [Hmm. How does one patent something?] But but... SERIOUSLY?? SHALLOW END / DEEP END?
They held some sort of "open door" for inventors to come in. They received stupid ideas, mediocre ideas that weren't probable in this economy, and then they had THE SOLUTION TO ONE OF THE WORLD'S BIGGEST PROBLEMS. No really. A guy came in with a hydrogen converter thing for cars that would ELIMINATE THE NEED FOR GASOLINE IN YOUR CAR while only using 12 volts of electricity and WATER.
Billy Mays and Anthony Sullivan TURNED HIM DOWN because his invention was too good. Because it "solved the world problems instead of household problems." OMFG ARE YOU SERIOUS. They dismissed him with a "best of luck" and I was yelling at the TV. I don't care about a tie that stays in place (that also can carry an iPod). GIVE ME SOMETHING WHERE I CAN SAVE GAS MONEY AND, UM, THE PLANET!? *SLOW BLINK*
no faith in humanity,