Revisiting and visiting John Donne's verse brought more than one not usually anthologized to my awareness, but the most stunning to date, I think, would have to be his second Elegy, aka "The Anagram", which starts in something of the vein of a more Xtreme "My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun"* and rapidly goes downhill - or somewhere, into
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However, on the 'marmosit'. The OED notes that of a man it could (inter alia) be derogatory or mean a favourite or minion, but it could also be " Applied to a woman or child (as a term of endearment or playful reproach). Obs."
jd: u know, one of those [fancy imported sex toys]/[hand mirrors with the plush backs from a bedroom set]/[who knows what]
BenJ: whoa dude, nobodyes gonna know what that is. Y not just say candlestick???
jd: cos EVERYBODIE says candlestick, its not fuNE NE moore
BenJ: k but i still think tis teh stooopit
poetchris: u online jack? just got this Flavia thinge, whats te deal w the marmosit? like, is that a LITERAL monkey (and, just, ew) or is it meant 2 B some trusted friend of the family, to juxtapose with thys poor jolthead's enemies, right B4 it?
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