Dec 14, 2007 07:00
We got 6" or so total of light, fluffy snow, between 1pm and 5 pm, and although it came down steadily it was never at white-out densities, and there was no sleet/freezing rain mixed in, so I still don't see what the fuss was about.
The traffic conditions were pretty slow, intown, but that's because the local authorities followed their increasingly usual plan of cheapass economizing at citizens' expense waiting to see how much there was going to be before bothering to plough properly, instead of keeping on top of it. Since there's supposed to be another storm Sunday - this one up to 10" - I sure hope they don't follow their also-all-too-common policy of waiting and hoping it will melt for a couple days before getting serious about doing the side streets...
And again, while we've had mild winters the past few years, it was only what, 2003? that we got hit with 18" in one day, and it isn't like it doesn't snow regularly here, if not every year than every other year, so the capital-D drama is pretty amusing to me. (And yes, all you folks from Buffalo, Saskatechwan, and points further north or vertical may laugh and point with all your hearts!)