Nov 13, 2007 05:42
1. Insomnia.
2. Feline digestive problems, or, "skid marks" from end to end of the flat. (Do I want to know what she got into and ate? Probably not.)
3. Backache. (Cat says, you should be sleeping [under me] instead of sitting up at the computer, that would solve it.) Also, headache, which is a chicken/egg thing with #1.
4. The fact that my icebox has two settings, "ice" and "box", neither of which is conducive to having milk for one's caffeine.
5. The molecular inability of both sets of my keys to occupy a space within six yards of each other at the same instant. (The sets are not identical and I need to dupe keys from both sets to make them so.)
6. The existence of entire shopping malls that don't have the one thing you need, like a travel mug with a lid.
7. Microsoft Publisher.
8. People insisting on using MS Publisher to build complex any documents in, which contributed to my headache today at work, which contributed to the not being able to go to sleep, which isn't relevant any more since I have to leave for work in about an hour--
Yay! scratch one off the list! (Now I just have to find the energy to mop the floors...]