aka "Outlaw of Gor, © 1967, John Norman
Oh, before I forget - we do find out what colour Tarl's eyes are in Book II -
"I first met Tarl Cabot at a small liberal arts college in New Hampshire, where we had both accepted first-year teaching appointments. He was an instructor in English history and I, intending to work for some three years to save
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"This study found males, more than females, held rape-tolerant attitudes and lower empathy for rape survivors. This finding supported previous research on how gender significantly influenced rape attitudes and empathy for rape survivors (Ageton, 1983; Borden et al., 1988; Deitz et al., 1982; Field, 1978; Malamuth & Check, 1981). Feild (1978) had found that more males than females held traditional views on women and that females had more rape-intolerant attitudes since they were more susceptible to the crime of rape than men (Field, 1978). Borden et al. (1988) also found that males held less rape intolerant attitudes than females and showed less empathy. Deitz et al. (1982) found support for the hypothesis that females would exhibit greater empathy for the rape survivor than would males. The significance between gender and rape attitudes was verified in the research of Holcomb et al., (1991), Boxley et al., (1995), and Fischer (1986)."
where "rape intolerance" means refuses to excuse/mitigate it (ie she shouldn't have been wearing that etc) and which all helps to explain the high rate of rapes by male students of female students on campuses, which translates to a high rate of woman-hating in my book.
I grant that some people argue it's not right to call those who would dehumanize me and those shaped like me on basis of our biology haters because it isn't personal - they just are too "blind" to realize that I'm a human being like them. I say, walks/quacks/functionally-indistinguishable=duck, myself.
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