Foreword to the ebook edition of Tarnsman of Gor, Copyright © 1966 by John Lange
Published by e-reads, New York, ISBN 1-58586-224-X
Warning! Warning! Please put away all cats, coffee and other beverages, fasten your seatbelts and return your tray tables to the upright position - we have Author Sign!
John Norman says John Norman is the warmest, kindest, most wonderful human being John Norman's ever known )
Y'know what, Mr. Lange? I think we will. After that, the design of a better dog and cat, we'll get to work improving humans. No, it won't be any One True Master Race sort of thing; we'll create a variety of improved humans.
(Self-promotion on the topic of lab rats reigning over cats and dogs; I've been doing derisive reviews of my own of Oryx and Crake and am starving for comments.)
--I was really disappointed with Atwood when she made so *very* clear that *she* was not one of us cromulent denizens of the Genre Ghetto, oh, no - I still think Handmaid's Tale is a very prescient and revelatory book, and refer to it as often as I need, but her insistence on not being one of us unwashed fen really made me lose respect for her.
I forgot to ask; which one of her quotes said this?
Albeit, I have to take exception with EC on this:
No experienced modern SF writer would assume that a video game that is popular with the characters when they were 14 will still be around ten years later.
--given that this sort of thing happens in, eg, Sturgeon Award Winner Bacigalupi's story in F&SF, and the whole genre is riddled with "It's 200/2000 years in the Future but we're all still speaking recognizable 20th c. English" (not "Basic" or "Standard" mind you) and most props/costumes/buildings as well as societal tropes are the same as now (not I'm rendering these future things in familiar equivalent terms for you guys) and getting jokey ObRefs to 20th C TV shows! - it's something I just have to take my Disbelief gently by the hand and lead it to a ( ... )
"Giant Squids in Spaaaace"
Atwood becomes even quite incoherent trying to distance herself from the Genre Zombie:
Oryx and Crake is not science fiction. It is fact within fiction. Science fiction is when you have rockets and chemicals. Speculative fiction is when you have all the materials to actually do it.
Last I knew, we *had* rockets and chemicals...
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