Neva Chonin
says in few words what some of us have struggled to articulate in many:
last week's column, I suggested that, in today's cult of the leer, "girls have actually grown tamer rather than wilder. Sure, they flash their breasts more readily, just like monkeys perform tricks for peanuts at the San Francisco Zoo. But neither act symbolizes
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Sexual exposition can feel like liberation... after all, isn't one of the reason given to suppress feminism that feminism promotes promiscuity, and a woman is only as valuable as her hymen her ability to produce and nurture undoubted heirs for the rightful head of the household? Wasn't it great, the day you realized you didn't have to wear what your parents told you? And you are right... the "wild" cited here feels like the difference between "wild" and "feral" as defined by Pinkola Estes. But I'd rather work for a society where breasts are not considered "obscene" and showing them is not an act of shame OR defiance, just expression or comfort.
I also believe that part of the reason these girls do this is for the cheers they get... few and far between, at that age, for either gender. So cheer for a co-ed, start the revolution now!
And no, I never got a juvenile turn-on from defying my elders - unless you call this blog that, at the age of thirty-and-some. I *was* the mature, responsible adult in the family, at age 7, 10, 15, 17, 20, 25 - and my darkside temptation was always to be a *warlord*, not a courtesan--
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