
Apr 20, 2006 11:30

Which one best represents Order, and which Disorder? --Think carefully before deciding.

The Orangerie at Versailles (photo via Wikipedia Deutschland) Old-growth forest in Oregon (photo via Vanderbilt bioimages resource)

Yes, this is a trick question, in a way. But it's an important one, because the question of what constitutes Order, which is supposed to be of the Good, and what is and is not the Ungood negation of it, is used to get us to consent to all kinds of things, or at least turn a blind eye to them, in a sort of metaphysical legerdemain that goes on all the time, in which the definitions of things are understood but never nailed down, and so can be morphed at the propagandists' will, to cover or uncover whatever it is that they want mandated or prohibited at the moment.

nature, metaphysics, humanity, critical thinking

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